Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds information

The Majestic Bergamasco Sheepdog: An Overview of Its Role and Utility

The Berger Picard, also known as the Picardy Shepherd, is a medium-sized dog from France. They have a rustic appearance and a loving temperament. Originally bred as herders, these dogs are smart, alert, and very devoted to their families. Their playful yet sensitive nature makes them great for providing emotional support.


What Makes Them Great Emotional Support Animals?

Benefits of Having a Berger Picard as an ESA

How to Get an ESA Letter for Your Berger Picard

To officially designate your Berger Picard as an emotional support animal, you'll need an ESA letter for dog from a licensed mental health professional. Here’s how:

  1. Consultation: Make an appointment with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist. They will evaluate whether you would benefit from having an ESA.

  2. Assessment: During the appointment, talk about your mental health history and explain how having an ESA could help you.

  3. Getting the Letter: If the professional agrees that an ESA would be helpful, they will write you an ESA letter. This letter will state their professional opinion, their license details, and confirm that you have a qualifying mental health condition.

  4. Know Your Rights: Understand the laws like the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act. These laws allow ESAs to live with you in housing and travel with you on airplanes.

The Berger Picard isn’t just a loyal friend; they can also provide stability and emotional support to people facing mental health challenges. Getting an ESA letter can formalize their role and allow you to enjoy the benefits they bring, from reducing anxiety to offering companionship. The bond between humans and their Berger Picards is truly special in promoting emotional well-being.


More Resources:


Best Service Dog Breeds for Emotional Support: A Comprehensive Guide

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